
Indywidualne podejście

Individual approach

We understand and take into consideration that our clients have varied needs. We adapt the scope and terms of our engagement to the individual situation of each client.

Dbałość o długoterminową relację

Long-term relationship

We are committed to a long-term cooperation and we believe in the value of trust gained through achievement of common goals and successful project implementation.

Transparentność w relacjach z klientem

Transparency in business relations

We are precise in defining both the scope of our services and our remuneration. We inform our clients clearly when their expectations or needs reach beyond our level of competence.



We maintain full confidentiality in all aspects of our relationship with the clients. Any exception to this policy is discussed with and approved by the client.

Współpraca ze sprawdzonymi partnerami

Reliable partners

We work with a number of lawyers, tax advisors and auditors, operating both internationally and locally.



In provision of our services we diligently and consistently protect our clients’ interest.

Zgodność z prawem

Compliance with the law

We always operate within the framework of the applicable laws and regulations.